The Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Lists 2017

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The Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Lists 2017

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) says there are 12 foods that are laden with heavy pesticide residue. The EWG released its Dirty Dozen list in the 2017 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, noting that, “Each of these foods tested positive for a number of different pesticide residues and contained higher concentrations of pesticides than other produce.”

In addition to the Dirty Dozen, the EWG also developed a Clean 15 list. The list contains produce least likely to contain pesticide residues. The goal of each report is to inform shoppers of what they are buying and eating. When you walk into you Myrtle Beach organic food market, it’s important to know what you’re buying for your family and what you’re putting into your body.

Dirty Dozen

Here is the EWG Dirty Dozen list, in order:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Nectarines
  4. Apples
  5. Peaches
  6. Celery
  7. Grapes
  8. Pears
  9. Cherries
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Sweet bell peppers
  12. Potatoes

New to the 2017 list are pears and potatoes, removing cherry tomatoes and cucumbers from last year’s Dirty Dozen.

The EWG reports that more than 98% of samples of strawberries, spinach, peaches, nectarines, cherries and apples tested positive for residue of at least one pesticide. Twenty different pesticides were discovered on a single sample of strawberries. The crop that showed the most pesticide residue by weight was spinach, with samples having twice as must pesticide residue by weight than any other crop.

Clean 15

The fruits and vegetables least likely to have remains of pesticide make up the EWG’s Clean 15 list. Only 5% of Clean 15 vegetable samples had two or more pesticides.

Here is the EWG Clean 15 list, in order:

  1. Sweet corn
  2. Avocados
  3. Pineapples
  4. Cabbage
  5. Onions
  6. Frozen sweet peas
  7. Papayas
  8. Asparagus
  9. Mangoes
  10. Eggplant
  11. Honeydew
  12. Kiwifruit
  13. Cantaloupe
  14. Cauliflower
  15. Grapefruit

Only 1% of avocados and sweet corn samples showed pesticide residue. More than 80% of pineapples, papayas, asparagus, onions and cabbage had no pesticide residues, the EWG reports.

A study by Cynthia Curl of the University of Washington points to the benefit of buying organic foods. The study reports participants who reported that they “often or always” buy organic produce had significantly less organophosphate insecticides in their urine samples.

The EWG admits the lists are not based on a complex assessment of pesticide risks, but rather concentrate on giving shoppers the best information possible when it comes to foods that are least and most likely to host pesticide residue and equip you with the information you need to make the best shopping decisions for your family.

Health Food Restaurant

Are you looking for a delicious local health food restaurant? Then look no further then our menu and stop in for a bite to eat with us at Kindbelly. We have plenty of dishes chocked full of veggie goodness. 

We are looking forward to seeing you! 


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